
Car Accident And Mental Health Concerns In Philadelphia

Car accidents have been a common occurrence in Philadelphia. In 2021, the car crashes recorded in Philadelphia was 10,417, accounting for an average of 332 accidents per day. These numbers raise concerns about how car accidents have been rising. Besides that, victims of car accidents often have to face various consequences, including financial stress, emotional distress, and physical injuries.

While physical injuries are easily visible on the outer side, mental health also plays an important role. Following a car crash, victims can face various mental health issues that can affect their day-to-day lives. It is essential to understand that if you are facing emotional pain and suffering from your car accidents, you should speak to a lawyer to get legal advice and seek compensation.

How Can Mental Health Take A Toll After A Car Accident?

Mental health might be one of the most neglected aspects of a car accident. Car crashes may severely compromise mental health. It is not easy to deal with the fact that because of you, someone else was harmed. If you had your loved ones in the car during the crash, and they faced a lot of injuries or someone lost their life due to your fault, it stays with you for your entire life. The burden and the pain of overthinking the scenario, again and again, to analyze where it all went wrong and what action could have stopped it all from happening kills you from the inside.

The shocking event alone has the potential to cause extreme anxiety and perhaps panic attacks. When that moment plays in your subconscious mind, it takes the life out of you, and you keep killing yourself over that one thought of not driving that day. Occasionally, it might cause long-term problems, such as nightmares and a desire to stay away from anything that triggers memories of the collision. It is not the collision or the damage from the crash that hurts. It is the faintest memory of it that makes you want to be the one suffering, not someone else.

It can leave you feeling depressed, mainly if you are dealing with after-effects such as injuries and financial difficulties. Additionally, you may start to panic when driving or have constant anxiety when moving. If the accident has left you physically injured, it may make you feel even more helpless and upset. However, victims have to undergo different distress. Some of the common mental health problems victims face after an accident include:

  • PTSD (post-traumatic stress disorder)
  • Anxiety
  • Depression
  • Flashbacks
  • Nightmares from the accident
  • Aggressive emotional outbursts
  • Sleeping problems
  • Suicidal thoughts

There are no ‘fixed’ issues that one faces. Depending on the individual, they may be a victim of one or multiple mental health issues that they can incur at once. Similarly, there is no fixed time to decide how long someone needs to recover from their mental health struggles. Some notice changes in days or weeks, while some may take years to come out of their trauma.

One example can include developing a fear of driving again or going through the same route where the accident happened. For instance, if the accident occurred at a particular spot, the victim might choose to take the other route, even if it is the longer route, to avoid panic, anxiety, and flashbacks from the accident.

How Can Someone With Mental Health Struggles After A Car Accident Overcome Them?

Each victim’s mind and body reacts differently to mental health. Overcoming the struggles needs constant work and does not happen overnight. It is no doubt challenging to recover mentally from an incident involving a car, but there are options available to help you deal with it. Speak with a therapist who specializes in treating trauma first. You will never be able to let go of these feelings by yourself if you, even if you think you can. In India, experienced people say, “Pain is eased when it is shared.”

You can also get involved with groups whose members are sympathetic to your situation. Whatever has happened is in the past, but treating it like it is happening in the present can only worsen the situation. Spending time with loved ones and engaging in activities you enjoy are essential methods to take care of yourself. Many experienced people have made mistakes, but the ones who recovered and made sure it never happens again are the true warriors. Start with small journeys and practice relaxing if you are afraid to drive.

Make an effort to think more optimistically and reject any unfavorable ideas you may have regarding the accident. Follow your doctor’s advice regarding injuries and take good care of your body as well. Make small targets for yourself and acknowledge your accomplishments. It is OK to go slowly and treat yourself with kindness as you go. Some of the active measures include:

  • Speaking to a therapist who can guide you about the possible solution and make it easy for you.
    Take medications (if prescribed) to ensure you do not lose your control.
  • Journal actively.
  • Spend time in nature.
  • Do things that you love doing.
  • Mediate and opt for healthy choices.
  • Seek constant support.

Remember, you are eligible to get compensation for your mental health struggles that resulted from the car accident, too. And consulting experienced people will always help you get better. Take it one day at a time, and you will see the best results. You should consult a lawyer in Philadelphia who can assist you with this.

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